On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4) - Sharon Kay

Alina is a thief who does not remember the first twelve years of her life. She discovers she has an affinity to the earth and is the missing Solsti. Caine wants retribution for the loss of his loved ones. He becomes captivated by the little thief, but obstacles stand in their way.


On Wicked Ground was amazing. It was my favorite book in the series. It was full of non-stop action and surprises. It is perfectly written and flows well.


Alina is a worthy heroine. It was astounding what she went through in her life. She is a strong individual that was easy to like.


Caine is the perfect Lash Watcher for Alina. They get each other and keep things interesting. They fill the voids in each other’s lives and balance one another.


I enjoyed Alina’s adopted father Sebastian. I thought it was clever how he unknowingly fit into the story. He was a good man; I mean vampire, for taking Alina in and raising her.


Everything creatively came together in On Wicked Ground. For example, I love how in every book a lock of hair was collected of each sister. I thought Sharon Kay’s outcome was brilliant and carefully thought out. You’ll know what I’m talking about after you read the books. Trust me this was very ingenious. There are tons of details included in this series that make On Wicked Ground a thrilling conclusion to the Solsti Prophecy Series. I’m sad the series ended but was satisfied with the outcome. I’ll be interested in seeing what Sharon Kay comes up with next.


Complimentary copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review.