One Immortal: (A Vampire Romance) (One to Hold) - Tia Louise

Melissa Jones heads to New Orleans searching for the cure to vampirism. She meets vampire hunter, Derek Alexander; they are instantly attracted to each other. Derek will do everything in his power to save her.


One Immortal by Tia Louise was an exciting and suspenseful story that kept me enthralled. Tia Louise does a great job developing both her plot and characters.


Melissa is a likeable heroine. She was turned against her will and wants to retain her humanity. Derek is a brave risk taker. I enjoyed his viewpoint throughout the story. Together they have an incredible chemistry. They both have caring best friends, Patrick Knight and Elaine Merritt. I enjoyed their side story.


The plot was mysterious and full of foreshadowing. The novel is well-written and packed with interesting twists. One Immortal is an exciting vampire story that would be enjoyed by lovers of paranormal romance.


Complimentary copy provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.